You reply in the comments, and i try to guess your age based on a short conversation we have. That’s it!

  • @berryjam
    3 hours ago

    Been writing about it and sharing memories with people who knew my friend. It will take time.

    I want to touch as many people’s lives as they did. As I am right now/the way my life is now, that is not on track to happen. Need to change things.

    • @GrammarPoliceOP
      11 hour ago

      You will move past this; I guarantee it.

      Do you feel like the career path you chose is not in line with your goal of touching people’s lives? Or you’ve simply lost your sense of direction as a result of your friend’s passing?

      • @berryjam
        156 minutes ago

        The kicker here is that I do have a meaningful life-touching career … ha ha ha. Just doesn’t feel like it, some days.

        Thanks for talking about this with me, I know it’s a heavy topic for a first conversation.

        • @GrammarPoliceOP
          118 minutes ago

          It’s very normal to have these bouts of doubts about one’s purpose as it seems you’re struggling with. I believe the term for it is existential crisis, so totally normal and not something you should be bothered about.

          It’s no problem as well the heaviness of the conversation. I think someone taking psychology should be comfortable discussing heavy topics haha. Also, that’s the point of this post, to have a conversation, so feel free to share anything you want.

          I’m gonna go ahead and make a guess, because i feel pretty confident as to how old you are. I think you’re somewhere in your 20s. Maybe mid to late 20s. So I’ll guess 26 years old. However, if you still want to talk, we can do that