• SatansMaggotyCumFart
    69 days ago

    Jill and Butch are promoting the Russian genocide of the Ukrainian people.

    • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
      -59 days ago

      Smears and duopoly talking points.

      I suggest you escape your echo chambers and tribalism and check out independent journalists and commentators instead of just believing the owner-class media and duopoly talking points.

      • SatansMaggotyCumFart
        39 days ago

        Jill and Butch both said they want to stop aid to Ukraine.

        This will cause the Russians to finish their invasion and annex them as their territory.

        • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
          -49 days ago

          I am for a ceasefire in both Palestine and Ukraine, but in both cases our government and those with power continue to sabotage any chances so that more of the status quo of mass deaths of the working class happen in more forever wars.

          “Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.” – John F. Kennedy

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            69 days ago

            Do you think Ukraine should negotiate with the people that invaded them and killed and raped their people?

            What should they offer?

            Maybe give them some land and a steady supply of virgins to rape then kill?

            • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
              -49 days ago

              Again, you seem to continue to go back into the circle jerk of more forever wars where the working class are the ones dying for the benefit of the owner-class.

              Fear < negotiate

              “Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.” – John F. Kennedy

              • SatansMaggotyCumFart
                59 days ago

                If you walked into your house and saw a stranger broke in and was raping your wife would you offer them a sandwich to leave?

                Maybe give them a bedroom to keep?

                • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
                  -39 days ago

                  Wow, do these analogies and talking points help your push for more forever wars and boogeyman fearmongering…

                  Again, the United States and our NATO also had a major role in the continuation of the mass deaths of the working class.

      • @WaxedWookie
        28 days ago

        FPTP means the US is a duopoly - you’re sitting over there in the land of make believe, whining about echo chambers and talking points anchored in reality?

        You people might actually be dumber than the MAGAts.

        • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
          -38 days ago

          Blue MAGA or regular MAGA, we still need to work together to build grass roots movements so as to lessen working class struggles.

          Duopoly, as in, be it the Blue or Red team in office, the status quo will continue.

          They are acting in political theater to divide the working class, but in the end they will push policies for the owner-class while crumbs are given to the working class.

          • @WaxedWookie
            16 days ago

            Would you care to explain how you think first past the post elections work, exactly?

            You’ve got 1,458 days of the election cycle to fight for better. Election day is for putting your ego to one side, and picking the lesser of the two evils. Failing to do so paves the way for the fascists to seize power and just round up and mass-murder anyone they don’t like - including the kind of “woke communists” that would vote green. Explain to me how that helps the working class - you don’t have the excuse of not knowing better when throwing that kind of rhetoric around.

            …but so long as you didn’t sully yourself by voting blue, you’re morally superior and smarter than the rest of us, eh?

      • @mashbooq
        29 days ago

        Which doesn’t make the points wrong

        • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
          -49 days ago

          It does, since they are lies and smears that come out every four years, so the working class continues the status quo of voting for the duopoly.

          • @mashbooq
            8 days ago
            1. That makes no sense seeing as russia doesn’t commit genocide every four years,
            2. statements from the owner class media can still be true, and
            3. just because non-owner class media says something doesn’t mean it’s true, nor does it even mean that it’s good for the working class.
            • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
              -48 days ago
              1. Russiagate and Russiaphobia started before Hillary Clinton, but her administration (lackeys) helped bring it back against dissent and people against the status quo.

              2. Correct, to a degree. Independent journalists need to be able to call them out, and dissent should be allowed to be discussed instead of more censorship. Don’t forget October 7th, 2023, beheaded babies, mass rape claims, and much more; Kamala Harris is still pushing these talking points.

              3. True, that is why reading and watching owner-class media and independent journalists should be done together; we must not stop using our critical thinking muscles. Always be highly critical of politicians, government, and those with power and influence.

              • @mashbooq
                18 days ago
                1. Russophobia isn’t a thing, and most of Hillary’s concerns about russia turned out to be well-founded.
                2. Where is Harris pushing those claims?
                3. No, that’s dumb; you can’t just take in all info. You should find sources that are reliable.