Did I say mandatory? I meant optional! You’re “free” to die in a cardboard box under a freeway as a market capitalist scarecrow warning to the other ants so they keep showing up to make us more!

  • @Goodie
    14 hours ago

    You said small investors not Wallstreetbet degenerates.

    • @SirDerpy
      04 hours ago

      I said investors, not zero-effort DCA into a managed fund. My “degenerate” ways bought my freedom. I didn’t have to beat the big fish, just people like you who think they’re the smartest person in the room.

      • @Goodie
        23 hours ago

        I said investors

        This would effectively lock out every small investor

        But sure, now we’re just insulting each other, I’m going to ignore that and try to answer your point.

        TBH. US tax is weird as fuck, and I don’t know nearly enough about it to have more than a high level discussion on it. In my head, this would simply change when you’re paying taxes, as opposed to how much.

        But… Nope. Tried to reason about it, can’t think of a nice clean way out. It’s friday afternoon. I’m out.

        What is your alternative solution to the over all problem?