Please try your best to narrow it down to THREE! Can you recall which shows on TV feel synonymous with your youth? Can be your childhood phase, your adolescent phase, etc. - whatever you define as your youth!

For me: Jackie Chan Adventures, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Pokemon

  • Dizzy Devil Ducky
    6 months ago

    Considering I forgot about it and got back into it, bringing back memories, first slot definitely goes to Franklin.

    I’d definitely say second would have to go to a show like Ed Edd n Eddy since I used to watch way too much of it, I think…

    And third would absolutely be a toss up since I watched way too many cartoons growing up. So I’d probably have to go with Death Note since it’s the first anime I recognized as anime instead of just a cartoon back when I was in freshman year highschool.


    Someone mentioned Invader Zim and that would definitely be a contender because that show made me start to like weird and sometimes disturbing things. Here’s looking at you, Dark Harvest. Also saw an Angry Beavers mention. Definitely a close 3rd since beavers are my favorite animal thanks to that show and Franklin.

      15 months ago

      Death Note was a great anime! And also one of the earlier anime I came across - but I was just older than “youth” when I saw it.