“Enhanced graphics!!!”

It’s the year 2024 and no original ideas are coming from the AAA videogames producers, but lots of those coming from indie developers and publishers instead.

I believe you know where you should throw your money.

#Indie #IndieDev #Videogames #LinuxGaming #Gaming


  • QuestyLurks
    21 day ago

    @Valmond @innkeeper Currently enjoying exploring the weird world in Dread Delusion, though it’s light on RPG mechanics. Reminiscent of the excellent exploration and nostalgic feeling of Lunacid. In my opinion the best ARPG currently out is Grim Dawn, if you like more RPG depth with your carnage. Lots of great indie RPGs.

    • @Valmond
      116 hours ago

      Grim dawn definitely looks like something to check out.

      • QuestyLurks
        113 hours ago

        @Valmond I would recommend adding a mod called GrimTex right off the install. It upscales the texture resolution and generally improves the look of the game, I feel it works very nicely with Aetherial ReShade installed as well.