I don’t know bash scripting

if [ -d ~/.bashrc.d ]; then
	for rc in ~/.bashrc.d/*; do
		if [ -f "$rc" ]; then
			. "$rc"

I asked chatgpt and it said this is non standard? There is no bashrc.d directory on my home folder, I have uncommented the lines for now but dont know if this is benign or malignant

  • @[email protected]
    36 months ago

    i don’t know much bash, so anyone else who responds is probably more right, but since no one has responded, here’s my 2 cents: it appears to be a script to run all scripts in .bashrc.d. That would be similar to how some apps will let you separate a configuration file into multiple files in a directory conf.d. If there is no .bashrc.d, then it should be fine.