Did I say mandatory? I meant optional! You’re “free” to die in a cardboard box under a freeway as a market capitalist scarecrow warning to the other ants so they keep showing up to make us more!

  • @tee9000
    13 hours ago

    There has to be hedging requirements right? If you have 100 million of growth stocks for example, surely you’d need to have put option contracts for that loaning insitution to accept the risk of unrealized assets to secure a loan of that size?

    Anyone know how that works? Im sure each loan is reviewed thoroughly for its risk at that level.

    • @Professorozone
      12 hours ago

      Put options are a specific investment vehicle. The OP is just making a blanket statement about unrealized gains. Many, many NOT rich people have unrealized gains. And there literally is NO value to tax. The investment could go bust and there is a loss, no gain at all. At what point in a long term investment is the tax assessed?

      • nickwitha_k (he/him)
        22 hours ago

        I’d say, when it is used as a vehicle for any financial transaction. If an employee exercising stock options pre-IPO has to pay tax on something that they are unable to get any financial value out of for at least 6-12 months, there is no legitimate reason that unrealized gains used as collateral should not be taxed. It’s just another way to shift tax burden onto people who actually work.

        • @Professorozone
          23 minutes ago

          Ok. How much tax do they pay? And later when that stock quadruples and they sell, do they pay again or get a free ride for the extra it’s gone up because they’ve already paid? How many times to they get taxed on it?

          I’m not ultra rich, but I have stocks that I’ve been purchasing for decades. I’ll be damned if it’s fair that I be taxed on a stock for a company that may go out of business before I ever see any profit. Why do we even assume it will go up? How about we assume it goes down and I get to write that off my taxes now and sort it out later if the assumption is wrong.

          You’re literally trying to tax people on an imaginary number.