Did I say mandatory? I meant optional! You’re “free” to die in a cardboard box under a freeway as a market capitalist scarecrow warning to the other ants so they keep showing up to make us more!

  • @Professorozone
    -42 hours ago

    Oh brother. Talking about a high horse.

    So if you tax unrealized gains, the rich will still be rich but everyone else will simply stop investing. They will have no option but to only earn money from the rich guy. Oh but we’ll all have collectives because everyone who works wants to be an owner. And the best way to make any decision is to have a whole bunch of people provide input.

    Look I’m all for eliminating the unfair rules that allow people to become billionaires. This rule is not one of them. And I’m sorry, but there are millions of people in the US with 401k retirement plans and they all have unrealized gains. They would all be effected. So don’t pretend this is ONLY a rich person thing. This isn’t a tax on the rich. It’s a tax on trying to become rich.

    • @AllonzeeOP
      12 hours ago

      We should tax extreme wealth into oblivion, with a 100% congratulations you won capitalism tax at some point so they can’t collect enough wealth to start warping politics beyond their single vote.

      No one should be able to live like modern pharoahs in a finite world with finite resources where others die of lack of resources.

      • @Professorozone
        02 hours ago

        Or, how about we just tax everyone equally and keep them from making the rules. Make a little money, pay a little money. Make a lot of money, pay a lot of money. As far as I’m concerned, if you can make a billion dollars on a level playing field, more power to you. Now pay up.