Work by Ron Cobb

  • @Duamerthrax
    82 hours ago

    Today? F1 is a fucking travesty - rich assholes burning crazy amounts of fuel to speed around in circles taking more from future generations every fucking lap.

    While I don’t disagree that spectating races is boring, the amount of CO2 those put out pale in comparison to commutator traffic or the container ships running bunker fuel. We could have EV races and if each manufacturer entered their base models, could help with adoption. We could also make the ICE races run biogas(methane from antibiotic digesters) or biodiesel(tractor pulls could easily adopt that with only a small lowering of performance that all the tractors would share).

    but anything combusting is a giant middle finger to your own children.

    All consumption is.

    • @mojofrododojo
      130 minutes ago

      All consumption is.

      consumption for production is one thing, entirely optional, benefitting only one party entertainment coming at the cost of everyone else?

      that’s a dick move.

      • @[email protected]
        110 minutes ago

        The emissions from 20 cars driving in circles for a few hours a week could continue until the end of humanity and still be just a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of damage the production industry has done up to this point.

        • @mojofrododojo
          15 minutes ago

          bud the bucket overflowed a long, long time ago. now it’s pouring over the rim, and you’re like: eh, it’s just a few thousand tons of CO2 every year, for funsies, it won’t matter.

          it all matters. you’re just too vroom vroom to fucking care.