• @Alexstarfire
    4 months ago

    Looking at one aspect of a car, and taking the highest cost at the same time, is the most ridiculous way to compare vehicles. Most of your “fill up” is going to be at home and is going to be the same cost per Kw as everything else in your house.

    None of the information is wrong, it’s just a very biased. Garbage article.

    • WxFisch
      34 months ago

      In addition some locations, like where I live, utilities only provide TOU rates for EV owners. These decrease electricity rates overnight so you can charge for cheaper when the grid has excess capacity. These decrease electricity upside is you can run tons of things overnight to take advantage of this (dishwashers, laundry, even your AC to overcool your home). Combine that with solar net metering that pays the standard rate due to the power being generated during peak loads and it can be huge savings, all just for owning an EV.