• @jimmydoreisalefty
    15 months ago

    Limp Bizkit - My Generation [03:40 | Rap, Rock, In English, USA, Rap-Rock, Metal, Alternative Metal, Nu-Metal][1]


    So go ahead and talk shit, talk shit about me

    Go ahead and talk shit about my g-g-generation[2]

    The 3rd track off Limp Bizkit’s 2000 Album “Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water”. In this song, Fred talks about generation x, his generation which at the time was criticised by the media for being violent and disoriented.

    1. [1] https://youtu.be/BE9CXWV1alg ↩︎

    2. [2] https://genius.com/Limp-bizkit-my-generation-lyrics ↩︎