• @[email protected]
    2710 hours ago

    People are neither inherently selfish or inherently generous. People are survivors regardless of what is necessary to do so. A human will give the shirt off his back to his neighbor but will spite a customer service worker because they’re in a bad mood or feel slighted. Your tribe is your most important social aspect

    • @[email protected]
      -129 hours ago

      But it is that selfishness that communism can’t control for and that capitalism only dampens the effect of. You need a system that counteracts those selfish tendencies in order to reach lasting stability.

      • @[email protected]
        55 hours ago

        ‘A system that counteracts those selfish tendencies’ you mean a system in which:

        • housing is not controlled by companies with no moral incentive to keep them liveable and affordable?
        • people don’t learn from a young age that their value is directly connected to their willingness to fuck people over for money?
        • there is no monetary incentive to create artificial deficits in essential goods like housing and food?
        • the whole economy is not based on ‘cheap labour’ and the illegal extraction of minerals from other countries?
        • @[email protected]
          11 hour ago

          In that it makes it open. In capitalism, ot is assumed that everyone is a selfish actor. Under communism, everyone is supposed to work together for the greater good, and when they aren’t, you can’t call them out, because they would accuse you of ‘undermining the unity’. And because they tend to be in positions of power, you will end up in the Gulag.