By artistic talent, it could be anything you find artistic: rhythm, speed, creativity, meaning/message, voice, etc.

  • @pdxfed
    23 hours ago

    Changes from 2Pac.

    It’s the Black “imagine” by Lennon, philosophically, but also approaches the cognitive dissonance of what is wrong in the world from raw, honest and depressingly still accurate lyrics 30 years on. For me, this is a far braver and more interesting song than Imagine–and Imagine is a classic. It doesn’t let listeners off the hook and even calls them out as part of the problems.

    Great rhythm, beautiful melody contrast and creatively selected issues addressed.

    • @CookieOfFortune
      22 hours ago

      And the tune comes from Bruce Hornsby’s The Way It Is which references the civil rights movement. Also sampled by Got Rice.