Regardless of whether you’re medicated/unmedicated, or altered/not altered or any combination of those?

For me, its my hat I like to wear to keep my hair out of my way and contained somewhat lol

Also my pajama shirt(s), no idea why but its been better recently since I moved the “clothes chair” from being the laundry basket in the bathroom (just hanging there) to a dedicated shelf in the closet 😅

  • Phenomephrene
    25 months ago

    I’ve stopped buying sunglasses (even the stupid cheap ones) because they will not make it longer than two months before I lose or break them. I’m fucking cursed in this manner.

    • @cheese_greaterOP
      25 months ago

      Off topic but its probably better for your sleep rhythms to not wear sunglasses during the day. Silver lining and noise

      • @[email protected]
        05 months ago

        Uh what? Where the heck did you hear it’s bad to wear sunglasses during the day?? How would that have an effect on sleep rhythms? Do you think blind people don’t sleep, or…?

        • @cheese_greaterOP
          15 months ago

          I dont know 100% its the case and it would probably be fairly minor but its good to get lots of light during the day and naturally pare it back at night. I can’t speak to the blind folks stuff, its an interesting point, I wonder if they have some compensatory mechanism that substitutes or affects that.

          I’m pretty sure that if you get more light vs less light all other variables being equal, you’re probably going to have more energy and be more alert during the day on the balance. Anecdotally or empirically I can attest to this.