Forgot what made me think about this topic but I’ve been considering this for a week or two… Curious what you all think.

When I mean “hardest” “video game”, I mean whatever game that you find objectively more difficult than all other ones on the market, as long as it’s a video game. I guess exposure to different genres/types of games can influence the answer to this question a lot so… Hence I was curious about your rationale.

I have a pretty solid answer & rationale but I guess I shouldn’t share that in the main post to bias results…

  • @jordanlund
    45 months ago

    The hardest one I can say I’m honestly proud I figured out are the old “Impossible Mission” games from Epyx.

    They have set rules, and once you figure out all the rules, they are solvable, but the platforming elements require precision and the puzzle elements are challenging.

    8-bit Souls-Like?

    Longplay - 1:

    Longplay 2:

    • @CarbonatedPastaSauce
      25 months ago

      I used to play the first one on the Macintosh’s on display at the store. Not sure I ever finished a level in the few minutes I always had to play when my parents were shopping. Very difficult, but fun!