I’m just wondering about the internal components on mall cop robots like the Knightscope K5. It must be using a GPU and some pretty nice cameras, right? These are common models found in the United States. I have worked closely with knockoff BD dogs, I’m not talking about those, I’m talking about the Dalek looking things.

  • EleventhHour
    8 hours ago

    Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s vulnerable to a short-range EMP burst. Just make sure to leave your phone and smartwatch at home.

    Local municipalities only have so much in their budgets for this crap, and these things are very expensive. If enough of them fail/are destroyed/go missing forever… well, the local budget won’t be able to keep replacing them indefinitely…

    • @CondensedPossumOP
      37 hours ago

      There aren’t short-range EMP burst emitters, that’s sci-fi pretend. These are real robot flashlight caddies they deploy at outdoor malls in Ohio.

      • Greg Clarke
        223 minutes ago

        I suppose a nuclear ICBM could be considered a long range EMP burst emitter. And a nuclear ICBM would be effective at disabling a robot cops but it’s probably overkill.