Donald Trump said in an interview released on Sunday that he did not think he would run for president again in 2028 if he loses this year’s race for the White House.

In an interview on the Full Measure television show with Sharyl Attkisson, the former US president – who ran in 2016 and 2020 – was asked whether he saw himself running yet again in four years time.

“No, I don’t,” Trump answered. “I don’t see that at all.”

He said: “Hopefully, we’re going to be successful.”

  • @[email protected]
    65 hours ago

    hope that his ongoing mental breakdown will be clearly visible by them

    it doesn’t matter what’s “visible” when your entire reality is fabricated by trump, fox news, and your safe space private far-right facebook group

    • @Treczoks
      33 hours ago

      Well, if he continues on the current slope, Trump will not be able to fabricate anything much longer. Even Fox “News” has problems loving him anymore. The third “piller of reality” will take a bit longer to fall, true.