Nikki's upgrading her phone this week as her previous one was starting to show its age - and she's frustrated about the fact that in five years, she's had to replace not only a washing machine but ...
wtf, I’m on board with crapping all over the poor life expectancy of modern appliances but this is all on her.
complaining about replacing her phone after three years? Why not get the battery replaced? Apple may get shit on for it being more expensive than necessary but it’s far cheaper than replacing the phone
Apple Watch battery needing replacement after 3 years? I’ve never heard of anyone needing to replace those. Ever. And why replace the watch after only three years. You may want to for new features but that’s different from it not lasting
how is her fridge physically broken after 5 years? This sounds like buying the cheapest piece of crap to me. If you want something to last, it’s usually not the cheapest piece of crap
I have to admit I spend a lot on dishwashers. But that gets me something quiet, effective and durable. I’m not sure how old mine is but it replaced the one that came with my house 18 years ago. They can last
then she’s complaining about shit from the 1970s still being in working order. Besides the confirmation bias, she’s willing to repair an old record player but not her dishwasher?
wtf, I’m on board with crapping all over the poor life expectancy of modern appliances but this is all on her.