• @orrk
    25 months ago

    you forgot the part where they have IDF assistance and protection when they kill Palestinians…

    • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
      5 months ago


      Too bad Israel has a far-right government in charge that won’t do anything to stop these illegal settlements. I hope they get thrown out in the next election.

      There is zero hope the far right leadership gets voted out in any of the territory at issue except Israel, so that’s worth nurturing, not smothering in its crib.

      Under Trump the US for the first time ever declared many of the settlements LEGAL. Just another of the ways Trump contradicted long-standing foreign policy.

      • Caveman
        15 months ago

        US supports Israel to a ridiculous deglee, rest of the world say they’re a war crime. Only two countries in the UN voted to make food not a human right, guess which.

        • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
          5 months ago

          I don’t find it ridiculous at all to prevent a fledgling democracy, the only one for a thousand miles in any direction, and our ally, from being overrun by radical pan-Islamism, which is antithetical to human and civil rights, and an ideology that needs to be left in the trash heap of history. Literally has no place in modern society. In fact, I find the future of the world’s democracies to be closely tied to the good fortune of all mankind

          Check the signatories to South Africa’s complaint to the UN. With the exception of South Africa and Ireland, every one of them is a far right theocracy with either a dictator or monarchy in charge, zero recognition for basic human rights. Check the complaint: filled of circular reasoning and citations to unsourced Al Jazeera articles. See if they can prove up their claims when the evidentiary trial take place. Got a whole long list of unverified allegations from Qatari state run media and practically nothing else.