idk man I just need to vent i guess

my employer “provides” health insurance in exchange for my time and labor, and for that great privilege they take $600 out of my paycheck every month (covers me, my wife, and our 1yo son)

that’s half our monthly mortgage payment; it’s 2/3 our monthly grocery bill


  • Subverb
    156 months ago

    As an employer I would LOVE to be shed of this system. I have no reason to be involved in the health care of my employees, and given the state of health care in America there is literally no upside for my business. It’s all bad.

    Unfortunately our system requires it, though. If I didn’t offer health care and instead just increased the base salary I wouldn’t be competitive. People would think I was trying to pull a fast-one on them, and few people in America know how to get health care on their own. It’s a mess.

    • @[email protected]
      86 months ago

      Our “lords” have already told us why things are the way they are if you look at the “reasoning” behind why the Senate let the child tax credits expire.

      “People wouldn’t have an incentive to work.”

      They literally use healthcare to chain you to a job. I have 3 coworkers that I know of off hand that have all said they literally are only working here for the health insurance…

      This system can go to hell.

      • @[email protected]
        46 months ago

        “People wouldn’t have an incentive to work.”

        That is just their attempt at rationalization. The real reason is much simplier: money, money, money. Lobbyists, Super PACs and the donor class own our politicians. The rich pay for their political campaigns and bribe our politicians in some interesting and creative ways. For example, giving a politician a million directly is illegal, but if he writes a book and then you have the SuperPAC buy a million copies of the politicians book that is somehow legal.

        • @barsquid
          16 months ago

          Can PACs accept foreign money? Or does a politician have to run a little SPAC scam to accept that?

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        “People wouldn’t have an incentive to work.”

        As someone who lives in a place with universal healthcare, I would like to tell these people that many people here still work.

        You know, food and shelter are also good incentives.

        • @[email protected]
          26 months ago

          Hell, luxuries are all that are needed to work. If all my basic needs were taken care of I would still work because I like to travel and drink.

    • @exanime
      46 months ago

      Well the problem is that you are viewing it from a “normal person” vantage… you need to think of your employees as indentured servants, basically slaves you don’t get to actually whip.

      Once you get the proper Capitalist vantage point, you realize you can use this “benefit” to squeeze the life out of your employees, specially any of them with Chronic conditions or just a family, as they are hostages to the Health Care you provide!

    • UFO
      16 months ago

      Extra painful that the current system is biased towards large employers. Easier to absorb that overhead if the business is large.

      • Subverb
        26 months ago

        That’s right. For a company greater than 50 employees the insurance companies charge a group rate that is the same for everyone. Fewer than 50 and each employee is billed on their and/or their family’s merits.

        Because I have fewer than 50 employees, most of my family employees use their spouse’s insurance from larger company than mine. And there’s little I can do about it.

        For my small business I’m just as screwed over as the employee. If I hire a guy I can’t (and don’t want to) ask him him or her health questions, but because I pay half of my employee’s insurance I’m hiring with an unknown cost component. That employee might have a costly pre-existing condition for all I know.