Google is doing scummy things, Literally 2024

  • @mholiv
    59 hours ago

    Brave is a crypto cult. Brave people really really love their crypto bro browser.

    • @manualoverride
      18 hours ago

      Can you expand on this? Is Brave doing any shady stuff by default?

      • @mholiv
        38 hours ago

        Long story short:

        1. Brave isn’t trying to block ads. They just want to replace ads with their crypto powered system. It’s just that none uses it.
        2. The founder is a jerk who is anti LGBT. Not just passively but actively.
        3. Brave pushes itself as a chrome alternative. It’s not. It’s just chrome with a fancy skin. If people want to support web diversity Brave does not help.
        • @manualoverride
          07 hours ago

          Thanks for the details…

          if I don’t use their rewards program and they still block ads then it’s a win-win for me.

          A founder with despicable views is not great, but again by using his product but not the monitization features I’m not really contributing anything to him.

          Chrome with a fancy skin that blocks ads… is there another trusted browser that does the same thing with chrome level security that I can try? Even Edge is Chrome with a fancy skin now.

          Just to clarify I do not browse with Brave, I only use it as a launcher for YouTube.

          • @mholiv
            37 hours ago

            Fair. I would consider Firefox as well. With uBlock Origin you can use YouTube ad free too. And you help increase web diversity. Win win.

            • @manualoverride
              17 hours ago

              I use Firefox for general browsing and clear all cookies and history every shutdown. The problem I had was I had been rotating UBO, ABP, AdBlock, ghostry, Twitch Ad Block etc. and they all kept messing up browsing, YouTube, or Twitch in one way or another.

              Brave was the only one to not fail on YouTube at any time in the last year, so I kept it just for YT.

              • @mholiv
                17 hours ago

                Fair. I would say you don’t need most of those. Just try uBO alone. Add others as needed. But realistically you should not have to. All you should have to do is add a block list to uBO.