If I quit my job and start searching for jobs that provide service to rich people, do I get more money as “tips”?

Just a plain example: If you clean in a 3* Hotel rooms you might find people tiping you about 5-10$/€ or whatever currency the country you work in has.

If I instead now work in hotels for royals, do they tip like 1000$/€,… because its nothing to them anyways?

Both seems kind of weird to me. If I were to have 50+ Million € on my account and earn X million € a year, would I still tip only 5 € to people who clean my hotel room or would I tip 1000 €? I’d somehow feel like I’d just tip a 1000 € anyways if I’d have that much money. Like what would I care.

On the other side tipping a thousand € would be weird to, because if that would be the case wouldn’t everyone just work for the rich?

I noticed it myself though, the more wealthy I got the more money I “gave” to people for services. I remember backpacking through Thailand about 15 years ago as a poor student. I was like looking for the cheapest tuktuk driver, even if it was only a dollar less than the other tuktuk driver offered. Now if I go to Thailand I just throw them 5 € in the pocket and move on with my day cause I don’t feel like talking about how much a ride would cost they can use the money to buy a snack after it and I make them happy.

At the same time if everyone would do this wouldn’t the Thais start working for tourism only and abandon other jobs?

This topic has kind of 2 questions. Because if you tip to much you kill other jobs at the same time. You can’t go to lets say Tansania and tip the luggage carriers 10 $ per luggage because sooner or later all the rangers in national parks would quit the jobs and go carry luggage around cause of more money. You know what I mean?

But I still have a weird feeling abut this topic. I would find it disrespectful if I would tip 5 € to room service if I were Taylor Swift. Do they tip at all? Tell me they tip. And if yes, do they only tip 5 €? That has to be weird to them. Do they even have 5 $ banknotes in the pocket lol.

  • @SirDerpy
    9 hours ago

    In order to make good money from rich people you’ve got to put up with their attitude and become indispensible: They’ll only treat you well if no one else can do the work the way the want it done. You’re being interviewed when pulled off the job to “chat” and you’re served the same drink as the rich person. They perceive the next phase of the service as one requiring significant trust. Clear the phase and they’ll call you every time and give you the work, regardless of price.