• @samus12345
    15 hours ago

    It’s been a while since I’ve seen it, but why was the body he was in all rotting and gross if he had freshly cloned bodies to use?

    • @scarabic
      5 hours ago

      That’s a good question because the clone army based on Jango Fett shows that cloning tech is basically perfected in this universe. But the conditions were less than perfect in Palpatine’s case. Jango Fett was there in the facility, young and healthy and giving fresh blood samples daily. Palpatine died unexpectedly, was already old, and they might have had to clone him from whatever they could find, like the smell of his farts on his throne cushion or whatever. Cloning is copying so source fidelity matters.

      • @samus12345
        14 hours ago

        You’d think he would have kept some younger clones around, just in case. But then, he also was sure that Luke would join him and Anakin wouldn’t betray him even though that’s literally how the Sith work.