• @Burn_The_Right
    26 months ago

    The fact that they’re demonstrably wrong in most of it, doesn’t mean that they’re necessarily arguing from bad faith.

    You make valid points, but when they are confronted with even scientific evidence of their errors, they cast the information aside as if science is their enemy. These same believers you are defending will lie and manipulate in their discussions to create or repeat lies.

    Your defense suggests they are innocent because they believe those lies that they infect others with. I argue they are not innocent at all.

    • @[email protected]
      46 months ago

      You’re right that they ignore the science and the facts, that’s why they’re holding the positions they hold (climate change denialism, prohibition of abortion and gender reassignment, austerity policy, etc.) The problem IMO isn’t so much with the individuals as it is with the propaganda apparatus. It’s clear that people can be indoctrinated into such things, and much worse actually (see nazism), so instead of focusing on whether the individuals are arguing from bad faith or not, I’d rather blame the propaganda apparatus that turns them into ghoul, and not just blame it but put the focus onto it.

      • @Burn_The_Right
        46 months ago

        I agree with your points and that solving the propaganda is the real solution here. I still do not absolve the individuals any more than I absolve individual nazi’s in 1941. But, the solution matters more than the blame. I hope we can address the propaganda someday soon. This shit is deadly.