I wanted to ask what you think of a possible change to the scoring of the weekly challenges.
Right now most of the scoring is based on who gets the most upvotes. It works well for keeping things impartial, but those who post early will get more views and more chances at being upvoted than those who post later.
We already try to make things fairer by awarding bonus points to the last two images and a penalty for posting within the first 24 hours.
That last one got some feedback with some valid points, so I would like to suggest something different.

I want to see if having a separate submission and scoring post might work for the next challenge. Everyone can submit their images for at least 7 days and then I put them all together in a new post with separate replies to let people vote for at least 24 hours. Maybe even wait with posting until the weekend to get the most out of it?
I’d be happy to hear your input on this. It’s a bit more work, but I don’t mind doing it if it makes things more fair. And I hope I can automate the tedious stuff.

Nothing much changes on your end, but it might make the whole experience more fun and less of a race :)

  • @[email protected]
    25 hours ago

    Thanks for your work, on making the weekly challenge happening.

    I am a bit worried by logistic of having a thread for the “entries” and a thread the next week for the votes (Might be manageable with a script/bot) not sure whether you (or someone else) has the bandwidth to manage it.

    for the rest, not sure whether we need to review the weight to limit the upvote weight compared to the extra points, or whether we shall accept a “first to posts wins” type of challenge, yesterday I try to add a PSA message, but don’t feel like it changed much the outcome

    • merde alors
      22 hours ago

      i think it did. I was winning until you posted your psa message 😅

      agreed with you on “we shall accept a “first to posts wins” type of challenge”. @[email protected] 's solutions would be too much work for a challenge with 8 entries.

      I feel like, correct me if i’m wrong, most (if not all) of us participate for the fun of it. Winning would just change the way you play the next round but does it really matter who wins?