I’m working on a mod kit for a popular item, but my target audience isn’t likely to have a soldering iron. The majority of the project connects to an exposed ribbon connector, but I need to short two terminals to force a power supply on.

Any ideas on a method I could provide for people who can’t solder? Maybe a strip of copper tape?

  • @bangupjobasusual
    33 months ago

    Design a plastic housing for the connector that puts pressure on short while the ribbon is plugged in. Put a short in the plastic housing.

    Making some assumptions here but…

    • @ch00fOP
      23 months ago

      Good idea, but the ribbon connects to the other side of the connector.

      • @bangupjobasusual
        13 months ago

        That’s still how I’d do it, just make the plastic bit reach over those other resistors. I’d 3d print the bracket.