Hopefully not too many tears in the comments.

Just downvote and move on, friends.

  • @[email protected]
    13 days ago

    So god’s plan:

    1. Make the universe

    2. fill it with compassionate creatures

    3. make them suffer unimaginable torment, needlessly

    4. only grant them entry to a less shitty existence if they learn to appreciate the abuse. Otherwise extend their torment for eternity.

    5. profit

    Am I missing anything?

    • @[email protected]OPM
      12 days ago

      (1) Yes (2) “Sentient” is a better word. Man tends to be selectively compassionate. (3) The suffering is pretty imaginable, as is the torment, and it is all purposeful and thus needful. There is also a lot of pleasure, including very simple pleasures obtained from just looking at the horizon. (4) Life is not purely abuse, and we do not even know what the “cutoff” for heaven is.