in 25+ years of retro gaming and sierra, i’ve never once seen someone mention Hoyle’s Book of Games

despite its small stature, it was one of the most financially lucrative sierra titles, and spawned an entire series of games.

what makes it special is that opponents are (for the most part) characters from sierra titles, each playing in a style expressive of the character’s personality. graham and rosella are friendly and not overly competitive, larry is silly and aggressive with his cards.

the dog? the dog is a real shithead.

#sierraOnline #retroGaming

  • @Hobbes_Dent
    45 months ago

    Oh wow. Sorry, Hoyle.

    In retrospect I’ve thought numerous times about Leisure Suit Larry, Police Quest, and King’s Quest (this was the order played from a young age for me) as being foundational for me. But so was Hoyle’s Book of Games, as much so.