Proposals had been made to change Russia’s nuclear doctrine to allow for attacking any non-nuclear state that had the participation or support of a nuclear state, Putin said.

  • @maniii
    56 months ago

    Putin is paranoid and insane.

    If he ever pushes the button and the Russian soldier “following orders” all of them will stand trial at the ICC for war-crimes against humanity and the entire-planet earth.

    The first nation that attempts at launching nukes success-or-failure will get crushed by the rest of the world.

    Nuclear-Mutually-Assured-Total-Destruction is not a joke. It is reality we live in everyday.

      • @maniii
        76 months ago

        “Everyone has a plan until they are punched in the mouth”

        I rest my case when people say:

        baseless fear mongering

        • Aniki 🌱🌿
          -76 months ago

          I have no idea what on earth you’re trying to convey. It’s like you typed English but failed to provide any syntax.