Basically I was able to play Cyberpunk on my Nobara setup (N37, KDE, Nvidia 10180ti, Intel i5 CPU) but everything went sideways when I upgraded from kernel version 6.2.14-300 to 6.3.5-201 (and still have issues despite several upgrades since then and now on 6.3.12 I think).

If I switched back to 6.2.14-300 I was able to play but since there has been a few upgrades since, I no longer have 6.2.15-300 as an option at start up.

The game launches but it stays on a black screen, no audio, no visuals just the cursor. I’ve reinstalled the game and nothing. Switched from X11 to wayland and nothing.

I can’t remember which nvidia driver version I have right now but it’s the latest in the Nobara repos.

Game was installed through Lutris and worked great prior to the upgrade.

  • @lal309OP
    11 year ago

    Well tried upgrading to n38 last night, now it’s not booting up all the way. I followed the guide on Nobara’s website.

    Currently stuck at “Failed to start systemctl-user db.service”

    I can do an ALT + F3 and it takes me to the terminal where I can log in just fine but that’s about all I can do. No GUI, No KDE. Did I search on Google and Nobara’s discord but nothing useful. Would really rather not have to reinstall clean. Any ideas?

    • @hardcoreufo
      11 year ago

      Have you tried reinstalling kde. Sounds like it might have been wiped?

      • @lal309OP
        21 year ago

        Just tried. No dice. Ran a few commands.

        dnf group list --available *desktop - this did not list KDE as an option at all.

        dnf groupinstall “KDE Plasma Workspaces” - this said that nothing was found as if the package was not available

        dnf install @kde-desktop-environment - seems to have installed KDE but after reboot, no DE, just back to the terminal.

        I also ran disabling gdm and enabling ssdm commands but I can’t remember exactly what I ran.

        No dice.

        If I run dnf list installed | grep kde it shows nothing.

        • @hardcoreufo
          11 year ago

          Darn. I had a similar experience with gnome getting deleted during an update and just had to reinstall the DE.

          • @lal309OP
            11 year ago

            It’s starting to sound like I need to reinstall the OS.

            Shouldn’t have dnf groupinstall “KDE Plasma Workspace” installed everything I needed if the DE was corrupted or deleted during upgrade? Do I need to run any other commands?

            • zelifcam
              01 year ago

              deleted by creator

              • @lal309OP
                11 year ago

                Ran a dnf list installed | grep nvidia and got nothing in return so in the process of doing a clean install of n38 unfortunately