
A picture of a hand holding remote car keys pointed at a white pickup truck. Below that is the text:

In the US, 75% of truck owners tow only once a year or less. Nearly 70% of them go off-road once a year or less. Additionally, 35% of truck owners haul something in their truck beds once a year or less

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  • @Cock_Inspecting_Asexual
    06 hours ago

    Jesus fuck, you didn’t have to go and insult me. The sidebar was enough but even then I still don’t understand wtf the point of the sub at all or why it’s constantly recommended to me. :/

    I use a buncha caps and punctuation all the time cus im autistic, it’s in all my comments and posts; for me it’s like I’m putting my thoughts as they are on the screen. So if I wanna scream or emphasize somethin then I put it in all caps.

    I don’t really like having to block whole ass communities like that, cus what if there IS an interesting post I see from there?? I like just being able to tell Lemmy “Hey, stop showing me this” instead of blocking.

    And im not even complaining really I just:

    A. dont understand what this post is trying to tell me.

    B. what this has to do about cars being bad.

    C. Why fuckcars is the only one shown to me and not something else like Anti-child or Anti-work or anti-anything else.

    And the sidebars are often useless compared to the actual behavior of the community. Scrolling the comments, it’s just a lotta people going “Yea I know a guy who ALWAYS drives his truck with stuff in it, fukin chump.” and some (Seemingly) sour attitudes towards truck drivers for carrying a buncha stuff in their trucks.