While vote to topple his government has failed, it signals a new series of tests for the prime minister.

  • @[email protected]
    17 hours ago

    At this point, PR would significantly help the Greens and NDP, and harm the BQ and Liberals badly. The LPC has no interest in doing this. They’re not altruistic. Remember, they forced an election in the heat of the pandemic in order to consolidate power.

    They have also proven to be totally uncommitted to top line promises. I don’t really see how they’re a party worth voting for.

    • @[email protected]
      26 hours ago

      However all the MPS from the BQ have voted in favour of electoral reform on motion m-86 and have stated that they support Proportional Representation. It’s the 107 and 111 corrupt liberals and conservatives who voted against a citizens assembly on electoral reform.

      Source: https://lemmy.ca/post/28858201