X is preventing users from posting links to a newsletter containing a hacked document that’s alleged to be the Trump campaign’s research into vice presidential candidate JD Vance. The journalist who wrote the newsletter, Ken Klippenstein, has been suspended from the platform. Searches for posts containing a link to the newsletter turn up nothing.

The document allegedly comes from an Iranian hack of the Trump campaign. Though other news outlets have received information from the hack, they declined to publish. Klippenstein says in his newsletter that a source called “Robert,” with an AOL email address, offered him the document. Contained in it are what appear to be Vance’s full name, addresses, and part of his social security number.

  • @[email protected]
    547 hours ago

    I don’t even care at this point. Anybody still actively using that shithole website is complicit.

    • frustrated_phagocytosis
      166 hours ago

      I was reading about the WNBA complaining about players encountering sexism and racism on social media, saying that participating in social media is necessary for players. Like are you serious? If you go on a site full of bigots, you’re going to find bigotry. Stop using it!

      • @[email protected]
        132 minutes ago

        “BuT eVeRyOnE iS oN tWiTtEr”

        Yeah, because people like you make it compulsory and other people who won’t stop complaining about it refuse to leave. 🤷‍♂️

      • chingadera
        33 hours ago

        A company I used to work for ran some ads featuring gay couples, and we got a shit load hate mail and messages that we had to respond to “thanking them for their feedback” I was one of the few that said fuck that, I’m not thanking bigotry, they still had us do it for a few weeks before allowing us to ignore them. I just said from the get go, I’m not doing these cases, if you have a problem with that let me know, if you guys want to do them be my guest.

        Don’t put up with this shit.

      • @AbidanYre
        75 hours ago

        How the hell is Twitter related to your ability to sink a 3-pointer?

        • Omega
          145 hours ago

          It’s related to their ability to earn a living sinking 3-pointers.