We social distance, usually wear masks in public, and stay up to date on our vaccinations. But all it took was one lady with a mean cough on a two hour flight a week ago to ruin that…or so we think.

The timing really sucks. I had plans for my weekend.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        Maybe it’s different where you live, but in my country the covid pandemic has been over since at least two years.

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          yeah, I guess if you put your fingers in your ears and say “lalalalala I can’t hear you” when people post evidence of the pandemic NOT being over (like the positive COVID results you’re posting under, CDC/WHO data showing increasing infection rates, etc), then it really IS over. very rational and materialist perspective to maintain :)

    • @[email protected]
      125 months ago

      Well whatever you call it, the virus is still everywhere and making lots of people sick. It’s not at all odd to wear a mask when you don’t want to catch a bug, or if you think you may be at risk of passing a bug on to others. Some close family members had COVID last week so we all wore masks for a bit, and I wore a mask in crowded situations so as not to pass it on. Seems like quite a normal thing to do, and so far the rest of us didn’t seem to catch it.