• @Ensign_Crab
    6 months ago

    It’s a panel. Let’s say some parent takes their kid there.

    The parent is either:

    • Cool with the kid seeing what they’re about to see and won’t make a fuss
    • Oblivious to what fandom their kid is interested in because “phone” and “babysitter” are synonyms to them, but they’re about to find out.
    • A Christian hyperkaren deliberately bringing their kid to an adult panel because they want to freak out and go to the press and nucleate a moral panic that will result in death threats for many of those involved.

    You’re a panelist. Do you moderate your language and behavior because there’s kids present, or do you take the risk and give the audience what they signed up for?

    • Fubber Nuckin'
      26 months ago

      Pretend the kids aren’t there, no moderation. There’s no reason to be uncomfortable about kids showing up to an adult space, you do not have to accommodate them.

      If the hyper Karen wants to make a moral panic then they’re gonna try to make a moral panic with or without kids. Even in your example the kids are just a prop to do what they already were trying to do. Deal with the hyper Karen if you have a hyper Karen problem.