This ability of the sorcerer will wipe any one song of your choosing from the pages of history, as if it never existed! Gone from our reality. They were going to do it anyway, but they’re making you choose.

Which song would you pick?

(If you really can’t narrow it down to one, then try narrowing to three)

~picture credit goes to zenart07 , DeviantArt~

  • @[email protected]
    67 hours ago

    Since I choose, am I aware of the song being gone afterwards? Can I choose a Beatles song that the world loves and then “write” it and profit from it? (See the movie “Yesterday”.) It’s interesting that a lot of answers are “get rid of the song that I don’t like. Okay, I get that. But! If I’m aware that the song is gone afterwards, I’d choose whatever the most sung religious song is just to see what that affects.

      5 hours ago

      Unfortunately, you must understand, as you are part of the reality you inhabit, you could not be aware of a song that never existed.

      • @[email protected]
        55 hours ago

        Gotcha. And, fair enough. I now choose “Stairway to Heaven” so that the world forever debates Tenacious D’s “Tribute” and what song it could be about. ** laughs in Jack Black **