
A picture of a hand holding remote car keys pointed at a white pickup truck. Below that is the text:

In the US, 75% of truck owners tow only once a year or less. Nearly 70% of them go off-road once a year or less. Additionally, 35% of truck owners haul something in their truck beds once a year or less

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  • @Cock_Inspecting_Asexual
    5 hours ago

    You insulted me while saying that. thats why I keep commenting. Not to mention the other assholes that keep doing the same!

    You cant give someone decent advice and then straight up mock/insult me and just expect people to be chill with that type of shit. I even said “What if there’s something here I DO actually find interesting” I still got made fun of for it. Regardless the “Algorithm”, it doesn’t do shit ti cater to my interest anyways! I’ve been here for months! And I KEEP getting recommended Linux and programming memes. I dont even program! Thats just all this place keeps offering me!