Three individuals targeted National Gallery paintings an hour after Phoebe Plummer and Anna Holland were jailed for similar attack in 2022

Climate activists have thrown tomato soup over two Sunflowers paintings by Vincent van Gogh, just an hour after two others were jailed for a similar protest action in 2022.

Three supporters of Just Stop Oil walked into the National Gallery in London, where an exhibition of Van Gogh’s collected works is on display, at 2.30pm on Friday afternoon, and threw Heinz soup over Sunflowers 1889 and Sunflowers 1888.

The latter was the same work targeted by Phoebe Plummer and Anna Holland in 2022. That pair are now among 25 supporters of Just Stop Oil in jail for climate protests.

  • @sensiblepuffin
    24 hours ago

    You are either extremely deluded or a little deluded and almost intentionally misunderstanding their aims.

    Climate activists have been chaining themselves to oil infrastructure for decades. How many times can you honestly say you’ve heard of it? I’ve heard of maybe one instance, and it got very little news coverage.

    JSO has recently pivoted to this strategy of (temporarily) vandalizing monuments and works of art. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME it happens, it’s all over the news and spawns endless discussion. Almost like IT’S FUCKING WORKING.

    I award to you the Useful Idiot Ribbon.

    • Optional
      23 hours ago

      Yeah people do talk about what clueless freaking idiots they are. It sure is working! It’s jenius! Wait til Madison Avenue figures it out!

      Climate activists have chained themselves to trees, to construction equipment, to the property of the companies they protest. THAT is serious action.

      Throwing soup in a museum is completely tone deaf, utterly counterproductive and pathetic.

      • @[email protected]
        12 hours ago

        Climate activists have chained themselves to trees, to construction equipment, to the property of the companies they protest. THAT is serious action.

        You know we need more people doing stuff like this, right?

        Not “climate activists.”

        Have you been inspired to chain yourself to oil infrastructure? To accomplish something real?