• @[email protected]
    126 months ago

    Who cares “full auto” neither increases the lethality or capacity for criminal activity of a firearm.

    • @[email protected]
      166 months ago

      There’s definitely a lot of fear mongering and ignorance about firearms out there but full auto most definitely increases lethality both in terms of a single target and in terms of hitting unintended bystanders.

      • @[email protected]
        -116 months ago

        That’s a skill issue. One bullet one dead is the goal. Real life isn’t John wick. Your just as dead if done properly.

        • @[email protected]
          156 months ago

          You say that life isn’t a movie. Then you say that people who need full auto have a “skill issue”? Christ dude, life isn’t CSGO either. You’re right that many shooters probably aren’t that skilled, but the takeaway here is that makes full auto more lethal in their hands, not that they need to git gud.

          • @[email protected]
            -156 months ago

            Nah you ain’t understanding, maybe if Americans had to be trained before they are given a firearm. You know like before they get to drive a car or fly a plane. But your wrong, lethal is binary you either are dead or not dead. You are never more dead than dead. Try to argue with logic and not your heart homie. If a gun has 30 bullets the maximum amount of lethality is 30. Full auto or not. It doesn’t get more dangerous because you are a bad shot. There is not multi round bonus lol.

            • @Warl0k3
              5 months ago

              The point of full auto is to improve hit probability, not increase lethality. There absolutely is a multiround bonus, and 3rnd burst has been used by every major military for this exact reason.

                • @Warl0k3
                  45 months ago

                  Oooo, trying to spin this so you don’t take a hit in the ol’ ego? Good luck with that. Though there is something delecious about someone who clearly doesn’t have a clue what they’re talking about being this confident while being so very, very wrong. Its like some kind of delightful tonic for the soul…

    • @MutilationWave
      05 months ago

      If you want to cause maximum carnage yes have a full auto Glock to spray into a crowd will be very effective towards your goal. You keep talking like these are one on one scenarios. Yeah you’re right full auto is useless one on one. But think about the other scenarios.