Diplomats walk out on Israeli prime minister’s speech at UN to protest against devastating war on Gaza and latest attacks on Lebanon

  • KillingTimeItself
    -85 hours ago

    wait ok, i’m confused why do we hate the US government? Is it because it’s doing global geopolitics shit? Like what’s the motive for caring about this, as opposed to like, stopping world hunger.

    Like the motive for the latter is obvious, but i don’t really see the motive for the former. It just seems like yelling at a vast brick wall for no reason.

    • @Etterra
      124 hours ago

      As an American I can assure you that there’s no shortage of reasons to hate our government. Don’t sweat it, just pile on all the reasons you want.

      • KillingTimeItself
        34 hours ago

        i mean yeah but like, what the fuck is the point? I hate a lot of things for stupid reasons, i feel like as far as the government goes, that’s something that i have a pretty direct involvement with that i can pretty directly influence change with. What’s the point being mad about it when i could be doing something about it instead?

        • @[email protected]
          6 minutes ago

          I can tell you why I’m mad.

          Because I want these atrocities to stop. And you know what I’m not given? That option. Trump has been a scourge to Palestinians and the Middle East as a whole, but Kamala Harris is spewing the same violent, bullshit rhetoric as the very man who was walked out on, that this thread is about.

          Where is my option to vote for the end of this suffering?

          And that’s just the topic of today. I could go on and on about how the the constitution allows for slavery as we speak, and it’s the reason we have so many prisoners per capita. Or how Hitler idolized America for its genocide of the native Americans and chattel slavery. Or how women were only allowed to have bank accounts in the last 50 years. Or the many, many governments we have overthrown or couped, only to install disgusting violent monsters who commit atrocity after atrocity. Or how we created ISIS and Al Quada. I could go on forever.

          There are plenty of reasons to hate the US Government.

        • @[email protected]
          32 hours ago

          I hate a lot of things for stupid reasons

          I had to check to see if I was about to reply to myself.

          • KillingTimeItself
            242 minutes ago

            based. You and me my friend, we think alike, which is probably not great, but hey the law of RNG strikes again!

    • @[email protected]
      54 hours ago

      why do we hate the us government

      uhhhh where do you wanna start. I mean pick a year between 1776 and now. Pick a month, probably.