• @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    You do realize Israel didn’t just ‘herpederp, time to genocide’ one day right?

    Israel Radical Islam can’t just violence its way into victory


    • @PugJesus
      25 months ago

      You do realize Israel didn’t just ‘herpederp, time to genocide’ one day right?

      I mean, ethnic cleansing has been part and parcel of the modern Zionist project since it started after WW1 (itself a far cry from the 19th century Zionist project, which was far less ethnonationalist). So, I mean, on one hand, yes. On the other hand, by genocide you probably mean the explicit state action of extermination or removal of a peoples for the crime of being the wrong ethnicity, in which case Israel has been committing genocide ‘only’ since its inception.

      And no, “The Arabs did it first!” even if that was correct (it is not, in any meaningful sense; the escalation of tensions was largely mutual in the 20s, 30s, and 40s) is not an excuse to commit fucking genocide.

        • @PugJesus
          25 months ago

          No, this is straight up propaganda. Zionism is simply Israel existing peacefully.

          Would you like to outline for me the development of the Zionist project in the 20s, 30s, and 40s?

          • @[email protected]
            -25 months ago

            No, because I am done listening to BS appeals to stuff literally generations in the past. You want peace or no? You want to save lives or is the pricetag worth it? How quick this community is to downvote calls for peace that don’t declare Radical Islamists heroes pure as driven snow is very telling of how disingenuous most of the ‘omg genocide’ pleas are.

            Well, keep it up. Doing sooo much good sticking to hate. I’ll even simply say “hey, yah know what? You. Are. Right. Israel bad. Zionism bad. Hamas and Hezbollah good.” Happy? Hows that sense of moral justification doing you? Fixed anything? Noooo? Huh. That’s weird.

            Anyways. If you need me I’ll be eating popcorn watching the news. Let me know when the count hits whatever magic number it needs to for the tune to change.

            • @PugJesus
              5 months ago

              No, because I am done listening to BS appeals to stuff literally generations in the past.

              I love that you began this by appealing to the history of the issue (that Israel, according to your claim, didn’t immediately rev up to genocide), and when the actual history of the issue is brought up, you balk.

              • @[email protected]
                -25 months ago

                Can’t hear you. Crunching of popcorn too loud. Were you saying the count is high enough for your tune to change? No? Okay. One more time “you are so right. History bad. Israel bad. Fire bad.”

                Nope, news says the problem hasn’t been fixed, so I’ll be waiting.

        • @BaldManGoomba
          15 months ago

          Israel existence has never been a peaceful one. The creation and violence started with Shubaki family assassination in the British Mandate of Palestine which led to 1947–1948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine in which Israeli Zionist began their ethnic cleansing campaign and capture of Palestinian territory. Israeli zionists were scared the country was going to become Palestinian they created a war where untold atrocities and genocides that led to the creation of Israel and an apartheid state. Then Israel along with USAs and Britain’s help created a state for Palestinians in which they control everything leaving no control of their future in their hands. As Israel slowly took more and more territory from them. Hamas wouldn’t exist if instead of an ethno-state of Israel existing the country was called Palestinian exist and everyone had equal right like the area had before.

          According to the UN, between 2006 and October 7, 2023, 5,365 Palestinians were killed and nearly 63,000 injured, and 170 Israelis were killed with more than 4,000 injured in Gaza or Israel proper. - https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties

          Before October 7th life wasn’t peaceful. I don’t like terrorism but if you treat others like second tier people and steal their land they are going to fight back any way they can. You don’t blame an abused animal or person that hurt others you blame the abuser which is Israel. Once you hold the abuser accountable then can you go to therapy and train people that not all people are out to hurt you and not to lash out. Terrorism doesn’t exist in a vacuum. If someone seems like a caged animal look at the abuser. Why does the abusers violence exist? Because they want their land and don’t see the other people as human well there you go now we see the problem as an ethnic cleansing issue.