I personally don’t think it matters much at all, except in channels that specifically identify that way. However, I am male, hetero, cis, so its possible I’m just clueless.

    • @[email protected]
      55 months ago

      I know you’re probably a kind person, but imo, this kind of reductionistism is incompatible with being pro-trans-rights.

        • @[email protected]
          125 months ago

          Not the person you’re replying to but it kinda feels like the “oh I don’t see color” comment when somebody brings up racism. To me, it feels… dismissive? I dunno. I don’t think what you said is a problem or anything, it just… feels like it has bad connotations to me. Take this with a grain of salt, what I understand and interpret can be very different from what you say, which can also differ from what you mean.

      • @Nibodhika
        45 months ago

        Is it? Then what is the gender of the person you’re replying? Surely if it was important you would need to know it before replying. The fact that you can reply someone without knowing their gender is proof that it doesn’t matter here.

        If gender didn’t mattered IRL, trans people would be seen in the same light of someone who likes wearing black, or is unhappy with the way their nose looks to the point of doing a surgery about it. Trans people suffer because society puts a lot of importance in gender, therefore wanting to dress clothes from a different gender, or having a body that looks a different gender are “radical” ideas that offend simple-minded people.