An artist who infamously duped an art contest with an AI image is suing the U.S. Copyright Office over its refusal to register the image’s copyright.

In the lawsuit, Jason M. Allen asks a Colorado federal court to reverse the Copyright Office’s decision on his artwork Theatre D’opera Spatialbecause it was an expression of his creativity.

Reuters says the Copyright Office refused to comment on the case while Allen in a statement complains that the office’s decision “put me in a terrible position, with no recourse against others who are blatantly and repeatedly stealing my work.”

  • Aniki 🌱🌿
    228 hours ago

    boo fucking hoo. If you want to copyright your painting, learn to fucking paint.

    It also sucks and is just another shitty AI generated image full of weird nonsense.

    Just because he duped a bunch of idiot judges doesn’t mean his art or his arguments have any merit.