Myanmar’s military coup leaders have urged their opponents to put down their weapons and start political dialogue, in a surprise move that was swiftly rejected.

The State Administration Council (SAC), as the military has styled itself since seizing power in February 2021, urged the ethnic armed groups and People’s Defence Forces (PDF) fighting against military rule to give up what it described as the “terrorist way” and start political dialogue.

  • @ChicoSuave
    323 days ago

    “Ethnic armed organizations and PDF terrorists fighting against the State are invited to contact the State to resolve the political issues through party politics or electoral processes in order to be able to join hands with the people to emphasize durable peace and development by discarding the armed terrorist way,” the SAC said in a statement.

    The State Administration Council (SAC), as the military has styled itself since seizing power in February 2021…

    “please stop fighting. use the system we violated. stop fighting. please, you are scaring us.”