£1.30 for a pint tinnie of Tennents. Have definitely had Williams’ Joker for close to that in the recent past too

  • @adam_y
    184 months ago

    I can’t help but feel this is another form of disproportionate tax. Minimum prices hit the poorest hardest.

    I think behind it is an insidious idea that the working class are alcoholics whereas the middle classes are drinking responsibly.

    Deaths attributed to alcohol can be seen through the lens of alcohol + poverty, rather than alcohol in isolation.

    So this is really treating a symptom, not a cause.

    • @NegativeInf
      134 months ago

      The tax should be proportionate to the cost of the bottle. Bleed em dry with every bottle of Château Lafite Rothschild 1869.

      • @adam_y
        64 months ago

        See, that’s progressive.

    • @OlapOPM
      24 months ago

      The SG tried hard to get tax from WM control on this. They couldn’t and hence MUP was the next best, which they still had to have legally challenged.

      What’s that sound? The sound on the wind of Alex Salmond saying “I told you so…”