• @4lan
    15 months ago

    If Trump wins and we became a dictatorship he could do anything. The supreme Court has ruled on this, he is practically immune from the law while in office. He could literally have people assassinated and get away with it.

    • @Anticorp
      15 months ago

      That’s a big if. Additionally, he may have a scotus ruling saying that he’s not accountable, but that doesn’t mean that shit won’t hit the fan if he tries to exercise that decision. The government and its institutions aren’t comprised solely of documents. There are a fair number of powerful people who would not take kindly to a dictator running the country. Hopefully we never need to test this. I’ve lived through enough interesting times already.

      • @4lan
        5 months ago

        Do you know the percentages of Law Enforcement and Military that supports Trump? They are the ones that would be able to stop it and hold him accountable.

        My sister’s bio-father is a former captain in NYPD, he literally thinks that killing gay people for engaging with his (adult) children is grounds for MURDER. There is a video of him stomping out a memorial in NYC because they didn’t have a permit for their candles…

        These people are excited to kill people they don’t like. They are leaders in Law Enforcement. They created the culture of oppression and thirst for violence