Curiosity is one of only two operating vehicles on all of Mars, half a world away from Jezero crater. So it was a bit unsettling when Perseverance pulled up to a slab of rock after a recent drive and observed freshly made scrape marks.

  • @paulhammond5155OP
    13 hours ago

    I’d love to be a fly on the wall at the meetings between the science teams on which rocks to investigate. There must be disagreements between the scientists :) I guess we would have only travelled a few hundred meters if they stopped at every rock / target that looked interesting to one of the team, instead of the 32.51 km (20.20 miles) we have traversed. As for the colour, I like to look at the colour of the tailings when they drill holes, there are many gray rocks, but quite a few reddish ones as well. This illustrates it well for me (all 42 sample holes)