This case is quite similar with Disney+ case.

You press ‘Agree’, you lost the right to sue the company.

  • @ZMonster
    2 hours ago

    I don’t disagree, but I believe there was a communication barrier for her. I could be wrong and don’t remember right now, but I believe she did not know English.

    though I do think the waiver arguments underpinning that side of the case will wind up getting pressure tested in pretty short order.

    Possibly. Disney withdrew their motion after the PR hit them, and are likely negotiating a settlement. But other cases may change the way arbitration agreements and contract law are handled.


    I just walzed past your appreciation and I should have acknowledged it. I am neurodivergent and can be abrasive and I try to be relatable but sometimes miss the mark.

    And I work in an extremely remote location with thousands of employees and they are nearly all conservatives, which is fine. But the most insincere of them still thinks “Alex Jones was right” about some things. Everyone is a trumper. So there is a degree of rejection of reality and uninformed conjecture in everyone that I know. So being honest, truthful, and humble are so important to me. I hear all day every day about The LEFT™ . So I think it behooves people that conservatives would call leftist to make sure they are not spreading their own version of misinformation.