Today several users reported that a handful of significant Cartoon Network shows—including Ben 10, Steven Universe, Regular Show, the 2016 Powerpuff Girls revival, Amazing World of Gumball, We Bare Bears, and Chowder—were suddenly no longer streaming on Max with the turn of the month, with no prior announcement of their impending removal.

Just removing Steven Universe alone seems insane to me. I’m not into it, but it has a massive fan base.

    • @[email protected]
      23 months ago

      Valid. Spent entirely too much on my 16TB setup in RAID 1 (total of 32TB drives) and I’ve got it half full already.

    • @Kbobabob
      03 months ago

      Lol, no. I just built one for less than $1000. I used 8TB drives.

    • @Kbobabob
      03 months ago

      People regularly spend $100 a month on streaming services. It pays for itself quick.