Since there seemed to be a kneejerk assumption that I’m a corporatoid with the introduction post, I’m happy to prove I’m not. Here’s the ingredient list used in the Juul trade secret U.S. Mango formula, with appropriate CAS numbers to allow for consistent replication. Please don’t try this at home, I accidentally poisoned myself and it can/likely will happen to you too if you try it.

r/Juul mods can suck my dick too for telling me this flavor is copyright protected and refusing to even talk to me, because no, it isn’t. Time to stir the pot!

Bolded ingredients are the especially important ones for the flavor.

  • 56-81-5 Glycerol (Glycerin)
  • 57-55-6 Propylene glycol
  • 54-11-5 Nicotine Benzoate in PG
  • 64-17-5 Ethanol (Ethyl alcohol)
  • 77-92-9 Citric acid
  • 105-54-4 Ethyl butyrate
  • 4940-11-8 Ethyl maltol
  • 104-67-6 Gamma-undecalactone
  • 928-96-1 cis-3-Hexen-1-ol
  • 77-93-0 Triethyl citrate
  • 68514-75-0 Orange, sweet, extract
  • 123-68-2 Allyl hexanoate
  • 8008-57-9 Orange peel oil, may contain valencene
  • 8008-31-9 Mandarin oil
  • 141-97-9 Ethyl acetoacetate
  • 78-70-6 Linalool
  • 77-83-8 Strawberry glycidate 1
  • 869736-32-3 Mango oil
  • 123-66-0 Ethyl hexanoate
  • 105-57-7 Acetal
  • 8028-48-6 Orange Oil
  • 713-95-1 Delta-dodecalactone
  • 3658-77-3 Strawberry furanone
  • 123-35-3 Myrcene
  • 31501-11-8 Cis-3-hexenyl hexanoate
  • 10094-34-5 DMBC Butyrate
  • 104-50-7 Gamma-octalactone
  • 79-31-2 Isobutyric acid
  • 121-33-5 Vanillin
  • 100-51-6 Benzyl alcohol
  • 16491-36-4 cis-3-hexenyl butyrate
  • 115-95-7 Linalyl acetate
  • 765-70-8 Cyclotene (Methyl Cyclo Pentenolone)
  • 93-92-5 Styrallyl acetate
  • 121-32-4 Ethyl vanillin
  • 13877-91-3 Beta-ocimene
  • 7452-79-1 Ethyl 2-methyl butyrate
  • 2432-51-1 Methyl thiobutyrate
  • 127-91-3 Beta-pinene
  • 8006-75-5 Dill seed oil
  • 4674-50-4 (+)-nootkatone
  • 122-40-7 Alpha-amyl cinnamaldehyde
  • 106-30-9 Ethyl heptanoate
  • 68650-46-4 Barosma betulina leaf oil
  • 8016-03-3 Davana flower oil
  • 103-59-3 Cinnamyl isobutyrate
  • 38462-22-5 p-mentha-8-thiol-3-one (ribes mercaptan 1%)
  • 8024-08-6 Violet leaf absolute
  • 140-27-2 Cinnamyl isovalerate
  • 98-55-5 Alpha-terpineol
  • 5392-40-5 Citral
  • 23696-85-7 Beta-damascenone
    • @JuuceKali
      2 days ago

      I hate corporations just as much - if not more - than you do. Juul hurt the vaping industry, and even threatened/threaten it for DIYers. Bad.

      Do you really think corporate bots are going to be posting trade secrets? If so, would a corporate bot hypothetically call you retarded for thinking that?

    • @JuuceKaliOPM
      12 days ago

      Just doubling down to call you a fucking moron again. In what world would someone posting the recipe for coca cola work for coke? Are you on crack?